Sabado, Oktubre 20, 2018

Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity.

Coming Together with those Furthest Behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity. These is the 2018 theme of UN for me, courages many individuals to help each other to create healthy community and environment and also countries by creating a universal rights

This encourages us to be one and help one another so we can deplete or remove poverty the word poverty once and for all with the help of the government and people that are willing we can create a healthy environment we should inprisoned those who go against it and having universal right we are all equal because we are created by one

They are calling you to help them and finish of poverty once and for all they are creating laws and program that will make our world a better place for all the people living in it we all need to be one we shall be united for the great or good of our world

Wavefront:Accentuating potentials, activating technological advancements

     Technologies are very known and useful to every individuals because it helps us to accomplish our tasks faster and easier. It can easy your tasks

     Now the science club or the Dost is now teaching us the importance and advantages of having a highly technological country that can contribute to us they can easily do our daily job and can even be our past time..they are doing this to spread the knowledge about the technologies and future technologies

     This information and news must not be avoided all of us should know about this and be alert once you know this you have an advantage because this is the future they are sharing a beautiful and wonderful future to us

Listen and Learn

Many days have pass, many lessons have been learned. Almost everything stayed in my mind. Second quarter is remarkable because we really had fun. Also there is a little bit of hardness of the lesson because it was really confusing but all in all we understand it

This 2nd quarter our lesson is all about the web pages the one that is storing the information and the parts of the web and may more what i enjoyed is the HTML tags because we or i really had fun making a html file now that they teached us this to do it i learned a lot and im thanking my ICT teacher for teaching us this

All lessons must be learned because this are the key to our success all must listen and not just avoid this valuable lessons in our life this needs to be taken seriously and just not playing with it