Linggo, Agosto 19, 2018

Resiliency of the Philippines

     We all know that Philippines is a disaster prone country and because the Philippines is located in the pacific ring of fire. The Philippine government takes disaster risk seriously and has devoted significant resources to build disaster capacity and reduce population exposure and vulnerability, nationally and locally, what is disaster resiliency? Disaster resilience is the ability of individuals, communities, organisations and states to adapt to and recover from hazards, shocks or stresses without compromising long-term prospects for development. 

     The Philippines is leading a regional  actor in disaster risk management, however a full picture of who is doing what, how, where and when on resilience and disaster preparedness does not exist. As a country frequented by various disaster in  the Philippines is not a matter of where but when so we must be always ready for the future.

    Although there are no short term solution to the array of challenges that the Philippine government encountered or faced in the terms of coping with climate change affected disasters, forming a sepereate department, group or organization that focuses for disaster preparedness and response is a right step forward and a wise decision to improve the country's disaster resilience and helps us to be prepare anytime
Image result for disaster resilience p


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